OAIC Aging Initiative Accepting LOIs for 1-year Pilot Project Grants to Address the Impact of MCCs in Older Adults

Dec 12, 2019

Letter of Intent for One-Year Pilot Project Grants to Address the Impact of Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCCs) in Older Adults: The HCSRN-OAICs AGING Initiative

The goal of the AGING Initiative is to bridge the Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN) with the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAIC) to create a national resource to nurture and advance an interdisciplinary research agenda focused on older adults with multiple chronic conditions (MCCs). The AGING Initiative seeks letters of intent for pilot projects designed to facilitate collaborations between HCSRN and OAICs investigators.

We are seeking one-year pilot project proposals to support activities that will increase the likelihood of successful future research proposals focused on older adults with multiple chronic conditions (MCCs). These include, but are not limited to the following priority areas:

  1. Methodological issues relevant to analyses of the health impact or treatment of MCCs including the validity of empirical measures.
  2. Methods to address inferential issues in observational data on treatment effects.
  3. Novel methods to use information contained in electronic health records to construct new measures relevant to MCCs, their treatments and outcomes.
  4. Public health and health care cost impacts of specific combinations of MCCs in defined older populations.
  5. Effectiveness and safety of different therapeutic options for patients with specific combinations of MCCs.
  6. Alterations in safety or effectiveness of a treatment for one condition related to the presence of one or more coexisting conditions.
  7. Understanding health and access disparities related to MCCs.

Letter of Intent (LOI) Requirements

  1. Specific Aims (one page)
  2. Biosketch of proposed principal investigator (new NIH format required)

Note: Full specification of the study team is not required in the LOI. However, it is helpful to designate co-investigators from both OAICs and HCSRN sites in the LOI since both are required for funding of a pilot project. Please note that an early career investigator (e.g., someone who has not been PI of a large-scale NIH grant) must be included in the study team for the full application. If you require assistance contacting investigators to fit these criteria, please contact Christopher Delude at Meyers Primary Care Research Institute (Christopher.Delude@meyersprimary.org) with full information about your project and collaborative needs.

Approval of your Letter of Intent is required to submit a full proposal for the Pilot Projects Program.

Additional Information – This one-year project will have a maximum of $40,000 budget (total costs). Up to 4 grants will be awarded in this cycle. More information about the AGING Initiative and the pilot grants, can be found on our website: https://theaginginitiative.wordpress.com/pilot-projects/. There you can also register for the informational webinar, which will describe and address questions on the pilot project grants. All queries should be addressed to Christopher Delude at (Christopher.Delude@meyersprimary.org).

LOI Review Criteria – In addition to the standard NIH scientific review criteria, pilot project review criteria include: (1) study relevance to older adults with MCCs; (2) leveraging OAIC-related data and/or the unique features of the HCSRN and its data; (3) likelihood that the project team will reflect a new collaboration between the OAIC and HCSRN investigators; and (4) likelihood that the proposed study will be completed within one year.

Due Date – Completed letters of intent should be submitted electronically no later than 11:59 PM EDT/8:59 PM PDT on January 10, 2020 at https://arcsapps.umassmed.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=4HCLCAP3RY.

Review and Notification Schedule:

LOI Submission Due Date: 1/10/2020
Invitations Sent for Full Applications: 1/24/2020
Full Applications Due (by invitation only) 3/24/2020

Note that start of funding is contingent on completion of human subjects review (after winning proposals are announced).

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