Dr. Nace’s Collaborative Influenza Paper Published in JAMA

Jan 8, 2020

Recommendations for Mandatory Influenza Vaccinations for Health Care Personnel From AMDA’s Infection Advisory Subcommittee.

Preventing influenza infections is a national health priority, particularly among geriatric and adults with frailty who reside in post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) settings. Older adults account for more than 70% of deaths from influenza, a reflection of decreased vaccine effectiveness in that age group. Annually vaccinating health care personnel (HCP) working with these patients against influenza is critical to reducing influenza morbidity and mortality among patients. PALTC HCP have the lowest influenza vaccination rate when compared to HCP in other settings. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends that all HCP receive an annual influenza vaccination, including those who do not have direct patient care responsibilities. Here, we discuss the importance of influenza vaccination for HCP, detail recommendations for influenza vaccination practice and procedures for PALTC settings, and offer support to PALTC settings and their staff on influenza vaccinations.

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